Friday, May 7, 2010

Moms and muffins

It was Moms and Muffins day at Owens preschool on Tuesday.  Dads and Donuts happened a few months ago.  IT WAS SO INCREDIBLY CUTE.  We got to sit next to our (3 year olds) and we were served (actually, we had to go up and get them) muffins, fruit and orange juice.  I love this stuff.  I am such a sap...  I was on the edge of tears probably 10 times while we were there (a half hour).  I just think about my smallest boy who is about to turn 4 and how fast the time has gone since his birth.  Where does the time go?  Four years has seemed like a few months and I know that it won't slow down any time soon.  So, I get all choked up and have to talk myself out of crying in front of everyone.  I'm a little bit of a freak, I probably will be for life.

So, anyhow, our toddlers made a book...  again, enough to bring tears to my eyes.  I still cry over things the older kids made when they were little too.

My tears quickly turned to laughter though.  Leave it Owen to come up with something like this.  All of the kids were "interviewed" and here are Owens answers

Apparently my name is Sparky.  Haha.   How on earth did he get Sparky from Diane?  And I guess the jig is up...  I go to walmart.  One of the other kids wrote that his mom loves to go to the Dollar Store so I don't feel so bad.

It was a ton o' fun.  After the half hour was over I was beating the crowd out of the door though...  20 some toddlers can really wear you out, even with their moms there.  

A picture of Jordan (she is only 2 and a half).  I will be crying in her preschool classroom soon enough.


  1. Maybe he was trying to call you sparkly on accounta you're so darn chipper all the time....
